Senin, 12 Februari 2018


Cryogen is the new cryptoproject offers different services as compared with project-based projects other species. It is dedicated to raising funds for the development of Cryopreservation technology and also to facilitate access for those who want to get the services of Cryopreservation. Bring the kriptocurrency to the world of Medicine is indeed a novelty, not to mention its own Cryopreservation is still not commonly used and practice is also debated.

But because of the demand for medical services is really on the rise, this project could be the best way to make the Cryopreservation is more accessible and less expensive as well as other institutions that provide this service. This is in line with the Mission of the project, namely to extend the life of the community by utilizing the technology of cryonic.
How does Cryogen

In the initial offering, Cryogen coins will launch a token utility called CRYO. As utilities, CRYO should not be used as financial instruments. Instead, the holder is entitled to use the CRYO signs to buy services from the cryostore KrioRus. Services that can be accessed by the owner of DNA retention, including CRYO Cryopreservation nerves. Whole body cryopreservation, Cryopreservation of animal and also a standby at the patients bedside. Prices range from 1,000 to 100,000 CRYO.

KrioRus is Russia-based company cryonic found in 2005. This is a cryonic Russia's first and only outside the United States. The company is also one of the administrators and Trustees Project Management Cryogen. Although there are companies in Russia, the service is available around the world. It works with other companies that cryonic in other parts of the world to save the parts of the body or bodies that want to be supported.

KrioRus is known as cryonic centers offering treatment neuropreservasi are the cheapest in the world. Preserving the human brain with the cryonic technology only costs around $14.000 while the can five times more expensive elsewhere. There is a possibility a service fee in the lower KrioRus can back down again for the holder of the CRYO.

The purpose of the Cryogen

There are four objectives to be achieved from the project KrioRus Cryogen. The first is changed completely how drugs work by emphasizing the benefits of Cryopreservation. Funds from the ICO will be used to build other choreography for the company. This is important because a request for preservation of organs continues to increase, especially for transplants, as well as preserving the stem cells, the sperm and egg cells.

In addition, KrioRus also wants to build a new cryocenter in Moscow to speed up the process of research the technology of Cryptography. It is hoped the new cryocenter can be a driving force for further discoveries in this field. In addition to Moscow, the company will also build a new European cryocenter in Switzerland. These countries were chosen because euthanasia is no law, so there are many high-quality organs that could benefit a lot of people if they actually kept. In addition, KrioRus has also received many orders from Europe so that is definitely a potential market for explored.

It is no less important, the company also wanted to prepare for the future by developing space travel technology anabiosis. Though Suri subject in the medical world is still highly debated, let alone involving space travel, it is very interesting to see what this company is owned by cryonic Russia to make the plan a reality.

Potential Cryogen Token

a. The issue of the Limited number of tokens is limited. There is no further evidence to be released.

b. Payment by CRYO only. Payments for some services, digitization services, cryonics shares science for participation in research or purchase on the market of cryonics can only be done with the token.

c. Affiliate network, along with the progress of the project, we will link all our new network companies, which means it's going to happen to pay token from outside the CryoGen.

d. Benefits payment token token service charge will not significantly lower payments with conventional means of currency.

e. Installment plans, no need to purchase the full product at once, the purchase will be made possible by collecting a certain number of tokens within a certain period.

f. Ease of acquisition Any new users will be able to directly buy tokens online at the current rate.

Token Details Within The Allocation 
Cryotoken is token utilities, accepted for purchase all services available at CryoGen. Each Cryotoken is equivalent to one U.s. dollar (ICO). The number of token emissions based on the amount of funds collected during the pre-launch phase of ICO and ICO CryoGen Token is the first sign the token family science, which implies the possibility of acquisition of the shares.

Cryogen Tim
-Valeriya Udalova , Co-founder dan CEO perusahaan Rusia "KrioRus."
-Sergey Evfratov , Kepala lab perf perfume Kriorus. Ahli biokimia, ahli biologi molekuler.
-Yuriy Pichugin , Direktur Ilmu Pengetahuan. PhD. Pengalaman internasional dalam cryobiology adalah 40 tahun.
-Elena Serebryannikova , Penasihat keuangan proyek Cryogen di Swiss.
-Igor Artyukhov , Co-Founder dan Direktur Pengembangan KrioRus.
-Yuri Matveev , Ahli Bedah dan Perfusi
-Lev Leiman , Penjual Ide, Marketer, Pengembang TI, Analis Blockchain
-Tatiana Shifrina , Chief Design Officer
-Ustin Kolbin , Direktur Komunikasi Proyek Cryogen.
-Denis Rysev , Ahli Teknis ProyekDEWAN PENASEHAT
-Alberto Sarmentero , seorang Bioengineer dan Kepala perusahaan GIBI, Madrid, Spanyol
-Zamir Akimov , seorang ahli pemasaran Neuromarketer, spesialis di bidang blockchain, Kepala cryptofund
-NeuroDAO dan Wakil Presiden RACIB (Asosiasi Cryptocurrency dan Blockchain Rusia ).
-Ilya Svirin , seorang ahli di bidang kontrak blockchain dan smart, Pendiri dan Kepala Grup -Nordavind Perusahaan
-Kim, C-Yoon (Kyung Sul) , seorang Ahli Bioteknologi, Ahli Neurofisiologi dan Profesor

For more information, you can visit the link below :

Eth : 0x14E30e0eF1dFE7349Ff2F4726879f84617aB0b0C

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